"wait til i add video links to all those images (like i'm doing to the Donald Duck series) ;)"

"Alf? or are you counting just humanoids? What about Roger, the alien on American Dad?"

"Gears of War 2 enters this Top 50 list at #2! impressive!"

"You seem to have a type... let me guess -- petite brunettes :D"

"What about the girls from the unofficial James Bond film, 'Never Say Never'? Such as http://www.betalistal.com/person/barbara-carrera"

"I also think this movie would be great way to 'finish up' this list ;) http://www.betalistal.com/movie/eternity-and-a-day"

"great list idea! kinda funny to go thru it. still missing 25th Hour, and also 48 Hours and its sequal, Another 48 Hours. Also, Six Days and Seven Nights should be sorted ahead of the two movies with"

"Where is Eddie Murphy? And you can't list Chevy Chase without adding the ultimate 80s comedies of Fletch and Fletch Lives. Classics! :)"

"A bunch more: - Borat (wouldn't it be a road movie in a way?) - Kingpin (i think) - Wild Hogs (definite road movie) - EuroTrip (another definite) - Tommy Boy - Harold & Kumar go to White Castle"

"I also back Letters from Iwo Jima and 9th Company, seen both and they were awesome. And heard good stuff about Brotherhood of War."

"amazing, every single one of these. Might I also suggest Stalingrad (german film), Der Untergang (another german one), and Enemy at the Gates. All three incredible WWII war movies."

"except shindler's list. seems like an oddball entry in this list. has nothing in common..."

"Added Annalise, Australian supermodel, and Gianne, Brazilian supermodel. Now that its at 20 women, any ones i add would result in a current one being dropped :)"

"Here's a shit movie for your great list ;) http://www.listal.com/movie/beverly-hills-chihuahua"

"ok, i lied. Three more big ones: Blade Runner Short Circuit RoboCop"

"Virtuosity (1995) Electric Dreams (1984) and then i'll leave your XY genes alone LOL"

"I'd try to keep animated shows off the list. And just remember a bloody obvious one: Transformers!"

"agree with all of them, except for 'Tears for Fears'. its not that bad a name. Suggestions: Squirrel Nut Zippers, Rainbow Butt Monkeys (now called Finger Eleven) and 50 cent."

"What about Alien, when Ripley has to battle the cyborg that goes haywire?"

"LOL --- my god, girl! i haven't laughed this hard in ages.. love your colourful descriptions on your near-perfect list. As as Sam I Am says, where is Kiera? And I LOVE you for putting Cage at th"