what a joke. touted as one (if not the first) DX10 game, i expected a lot more. Instead, this game was a joke. I tried it out and am in process of uninstalling it already. It felt like a cheaply made console port, the character movements are clunky and they all look bull-legged. I can't think of a single redeeming quality.
And can someone please explain why a 4 year old game like Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines can have smoother character movements, better graphics, open ended gameplay, hours of fully professionally voiced character ----- while this brand new latest generation release resorts to 1990s style text-only interaction, is completely on 'rails', and the graphics are equivalent to what you'd find on early xbox games.
Do yourself a favor and avoid this one. There's way too many good games out there right now to bother wasting time on crap like this.
simply pathetic

Warcraft rip-off... but great!

First off, yes, this game is a pure rip-off of Warcraft III, but with that said, Warcraft franchise abandoned RTS fans and went full 3D Online MMORPG on us, so if still play W3 and are getting bored of it, give this game a shot. Its virtually same style gameplay, same theme, but since it came out after W3, it has better graphics and improved gameplay.

a great turn-based game

sorry for the duplicate review, but it applies to both Ages of Wonders, so I'll just copy & paste it from my other AoW review.
A lot of people are turned off by turn-based games (sorry for the pun), especially if they grew up with adrenaline-pumping real-time strategy games such as c&c, starcraft, warcraft, etc. Well, i'm old school, grew up in the 386 era of gaming, and back then, one particular game was awesome and addictive as hell - WARLORDS! Countless hours was wasted on that game, and when computers evolved, the original Warlords quickly became dated and stale. And when the RTS revolution came around, the Warlords franchise tried to adapt, but failed horribly.
Several years later, in come Age of Wonders - a turn-based strategy. I guess people hated it coz many didn't even know what existed before RTS genre, but myself, I fell in love with the series, bringing in awesome graphics, turn-based strategy, even during zoom-up battles. Yeah, you lose the intensity of RTS, but turn-based games give you more time to thing and strategize, as well as gives me a tingle of nostalgia.
A lot of people are turned off by turn-based games (sorry for the pun), especially if they grew up with adrenaline-pumping real-time strategy games such as c&c, starcraft, warcraft, etc. Well, i'm old school, grew up in the 386 era of gaming, and back then, one particular game was awesome and addictive as hell - WARLORDS! Countless hours was wasted on that game, and when computers evolved, the original Warlords quickly became dated and stale. And when the RTS revolution came around, the Warlords franchise tried to adapt, but failed horribly.
Several years later, in come Age of Wonders - a turn-based strategy. I guess people hated it coz many didn't even know what existed before RTS genre, but myself, I fell in love with the series, bringing in awesome graphics, turn-based strategy, even during zoom-up battles. Yeah, you lose the intensity of RTS, but turn-based games give you more time to thing and strategize, as well as gives me a tingle of nostalgia.

a great turn-based game

A lot of people are turned off by turn-based games (sorry for the pun), especially if they grew up with adrenaline-pumping real-time strategy games such as c&c, starcraft, warcraft, etc. Well, i'm old school, grew up in the 386 era of gaming, and back then, one particular game was awesome and addictive as hell - WARLORDS! Countless hours was wasted on that game, and when computers evolved, the original Warlords quickly became dated and stale. And when the RTS revolution came around, the Warlords franchise tried to adapt, but failed horribly.
Several years later, in come Age of Wonders - a turn-based strategy. I guess people hated it coz many didn't even know what existed before RTS genre, but myself, I fell in love with the series, bringing in awesome graphics, turn-based strategy, even during zoom-up battles. Yeah, you lose the intensity of RTS, but turn-based games give you more time to thing and strategize, as well as gives me a tingle of nostalgia.
Several years later, in come Age of Wonders - a turn-based strategy. I guess people hated it coz many didn't even know what existed before RTS genre, but myself, I fell in love with the series, bringing in awesome graphics, turn-based strategy, even during zoom-up battles. Yeah, you lose the intensity of RTS, but turn-based games give you more time to thing and strategize, as well as gives me a tingle of nostalgia.

My rating for this keeps dropping

I view seasons 1 thru 3 as 10/10, 4 maybe a solid 7 out of 10, but 5 and 6 and onwards? what the hell?!? even the bloody stale SIMPSONS are giving us more 'fresh' material these days.
Did anyone see the latest episode, the one with Brian moving in with his blonde girlfriend? WTF?? I honestly didn't find a single joke in the entire episode, except for the ongoing novel joke at the end credits. the rest of it was such garbage. And i noticed they don't do any more of their signature 'flashbacks' that usually had the best lines. now it feels like a bloody soap opera! son gets job. daughter is jealous. dog moves in with gf. they have relationship issues. they break up. ugh! what the hell? did Family Guy lose all their writers recently?
I was a big supporter to have the show brought back to life both times Fox canceled it early on in its life, but now I'm about ready to beg Fox to kill the show already. its dead, PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY PLEASE!
Did anyone see the latest episode, the one with Brian moving in with his blonde girlfriend? WTF?? I honestly didn't find a single joke in the entire episode, except for the ongoing novel joke at the end credits. the rest of it was such garbage. And i noticed they don't do any more of their signature 'flashbacks' that usually had the best lines. now it feels like a bloody soap opera! son gets job. daughter is jealous. dog moves in with gf. they have relationship issues. they break up. ugh! what the hell? did Family Guy lose all their writers recently?
I was a big supporter to have the show brought back to life both times Fox canceled it early on in its life, but now I'm about ready to beg Fox to kill the show already. its dead, PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY PLEASE!

lame and unfunny

lame and unfunny. that's all this show is. launched by the same people that brought the hilarious Family Guy to us, this show was pathetic from day 1. gay alien, chauvinistic dad, annoying mom & daughter, nerdy son. what the hell is the appeal? none of the jokes delivered, a couple of odd ones may have made me crack a smile, but thats it. and last 2 seasons (i can't believe this crap is still on air) have been even worse.
and by a coincidence, ever since this show started to air, the awesomeness of Family Guy has been slowly declining, and this season, FG is utter shit (see my FG review for more).
and by a coincidence, ever since this show started to air, the awesomeness of Family Guy has been slowly declining, and this season, FG is utter shit (see my FG review for more).

Note a masterpiece, but way underrated

One of the most underrated family films here and at IMDb, but I understand why. Overall, this movie is a great family film - funny, charming, awesome set pieces, and they stuck (for the most part) true to the TV series. My kid loved this film, which I showed her right after ripping Cat in Hat out of the DVD player and chucking that trash across the room, much to my child's bewilderment. lol
See, my kid didnt grow up on Flintsones like I did, but I did download some episodes of the cartoon and she adores it, mostly coz of pebbles and the catchy theme music. So she was in her glory when the movie started and the same tune starts (although remixed nicely by the B-52s) and was hooked rest of the way. And it's a very watchable film even for the adults.
But coming back to why people bash on this film, i think nobody can ever please the crowd that believes classics such as the Flinstones should never be re-done, and going from cartoon to live action is always very tough to do, but I think the number 1 reason is that fat blob Rosie O'Donnell. Worst Casting Disaster Ever! Fred was perfectly cast as John Goodman, and even Wilma was great. Barney, well, Moranis has the voice, facial features, and height of Barney, but they should've made him put on at least 40lbs for this film or given it to someone else. But Rosie?? what the HELL was that? Both Bettie and Wilma were hotties, based on original series, and Bettie has a much better voice and nicer curves (as far as cartoon goes), so to get treated to Rosie O'Blob playing Bettie was too much for any Flinstones fan to swallow. If you block that out of your mind though, it's overall a great movie.
Who would I have chosen as Bettie? How about Twin Peaks star Sherilyn Fenn?
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See, my kid didnt grow up on Flintsones like I did, but I did download some episodes of the cartoon and she adores it, mostly coz of pebbles and the catchy theme music. So she was in her glory when the movie started and the same tune starts (although remixed nicely by the B-52s) and was hooked rest of the way. And it's a very watchable film even for the adults.
But coming back to why people bash on this film, i think nobody can ever please the crowd that believes classics such as the Flinstones should never be re-done, and going from cartoon to live action is always very tough to do, but I think the number 1 reason is that fat blob Rosie O'Donnell. Worst Casting Disaster Ever! Fred was perfectly cast as John Goodman, and even Wilma was great. Barney, well, Moranis has the voice, facial features, and height of Barney, but they should've made him put on at least 40lbs for this film or given it to someone else. But Rosie?? what the HELL was that? Both Bettie and Wilma were hotties, based on original series, and Bettie has a much better voice and nicer curves (as far as cartoon goes), so to get treated to Rosie O'Blob playing Bettie was too much for any Flinstones fan to swallow. If you block that out of your mind though, it's overall a great movie.
Who would I have chosen as Bettie? How about Twin Peaks star Sherilyn Fenn?
[Link removed - login to see]

They call this a KIDS movie???

Jesus freakin' christ, i had to shut off this garbage shortly after the 'cat' showed up. Rude crude humor, and sexual jokes about getting an 'erection' while looking at a fold out centerfold spread of the kids' mother? Or he pretends he's a plumber, bends over, and you can see his ass crack? Who's the sick F**K (pardon my language) who thought these would be appropriate joke to do in a kids/family movie??
Absolute filth and garbage, and they completely raped the great Cat in Hat franchise that my child loves. Unless you like to hurt your child's mental development, or are retarded yourself, avoid this mess.
Absolute filth and garbage, and they completely raped the great Cat in Hat franchise that my child loves. Unless you like to hurt your child's mental development, or are retarded yourself, avoid this mess.

Horror classic

Does this film really need a review? I mean, it's The Shining! Everyone has seen it, right? And if you haven't whats wrong, why aren't you running to the video store to buy it? It's certainly Stephen King's best adaptation, but I think it is not because of King himself (who hated this version, and was determined to re-make a more true-to-book version several years after this one). The real reason it shines is because the genius Kubrick was at the helm.
If you think about it, not much happens in terms of 'horror', but this film is terrifying simply from the atmosphere and well filmed scenes. The intro is one of the best in any film, showing a car driving down a winding road with majestic mountains everywhere, which that tense classic piece playing. It really sets the tone and gives a sense of just how remote this hotel is.
This is by far my favorite Nicholson performance; he played a family man that decends into madness absolutely without a fault.
If you think about it, not much happens in terms of 'horror', but this film is terrifying simply from the atmosphere and well filmed scenes. The intro is one of the best in any film, showing a car driving down a winding road with majestic mountains everywhere, which that tense classic piece playing. It really sets the tone and gives a sense of just how remote this hotel is.
This is by far my favorite Nicholson performance; he played a family man that decends into madness absolutely without a fault.

Drug-induced masterpiece

This film is beautiful, funny, shocking, brutal, tragic, and hopeful. First time I saw it, I didn't like it much, mostly because its so hard to understand those scottish accents, but I now view it as a genuine masterpiece and destined to become a classic.
Trainspotting is a story about a bunch of friends, and I use term 'friends' in the loosest sense, that have only one thing in common - they're all junkies. Every character is unique. Renton is the most 'normal' of the bunch, comes from a decent family, but keeps falling back into a life of crime and drugs. Sick Boy is ... man, i thought it'd be easier to explain this film...
lol... truth as I'm writing this, I realize that it's a really hard film to review, and even harder to explain WHY I loved it. It basically falls into a cult status film, best seen without any explanation given, and definitely requires multiple viewings before you can appreciate the beauty and humor behind the film. Some scenes are truly shocking (such as the dead baby) and gross (bathroom scene), but I guess the underlying theme is that drugs are bad, and for an addict, there are only 2 choices; choose drugs, or choose life.
and the soundtrack is legendary. I dont think any film will ever beet its track, even Pulp Fiction.
Trainspotting is a story about a bunch of friends, and I use term 'friends' in the loosest sense, that have only one thing in common - they're all junkies. Every character is unique. Renton is the most 'normal' of the bunch, comes from a decent family, but keeps falling back into a life of crime and drugs. Sick Boy is ... man, i thought it'd be easier to explain this film...
lol... truth as I'm writing this, I realize that it's a really hard film to review, and even harder to explain WHY I loved it. It basically falls into a cult status film, best seen without any explanation given, and definitely requires multiple viewings before you can appreciate the beauty and humor behind the film. Some scenes are truly shocking (such as the dead baby) and gross (bathroom scene), but I guess the underlying theme is that drugs are bad, and for an addict, there are only 2 choices; choose drugs, or choose life.
and the soundtrack is legendary. I dont think any film will ever beet its track, even Pulp Fiction.