previous two reviews nailed it right on the money. the style of the film was awesome, definitely some parts were almost Sin City-esque, and Jim Carrey was great in a dramatic role, which few comics seem to be able to pull off, but I clued into the 'twist' way too early, about half way thru. I even thought to myself, I bet you ******* is the writer, thinking there is no way it would be so obvious... and bam, and the twist at the end, surprise surprise, it was ******. So that, and the fact there was way too many 'what if' gaping plot holes near the end, made me really knock this film down to a 6, perhaps even a 5/10, despite it's first half that was truly great to watch.
One-time rental, I think that's what it's destined to be.
one word: dissapointing

nothing special

Sadly, I'll admit that I've never seen Scarface until last night, yet I've always heard its a great gangster movie, and everyone knows that line, 'Say hello to my little friend!!', even the ones that never have seen this film.
Now it's a bit unfair to be rating a film made almost 25 years ago, as I probably would have rated it an 8 or 9 had I seen it back in the 80s (well, early 90s anyways - i would've been too young in the 80s). But since then such great gangster films like Goodfellas and Casino, as well as drug films such as Blow have been made, and compared to all those, this film is very so-so.
The plot follows the rise (and fall) of a Cuban refugee who becomes the biggest drug lord in Florida, but there was nothing making me care for the antagonist. I cared what happened to Carlito in Carlito's way. I cared what happened Johnny Depp's charachter in Blow. But here, I just couldn't care less about Tony Montana. It's not Pacino's fault (I thought this way his best role I've ever seen him in - absolutely mind-blowing acting) but more of the character's fault. He's just so despicable, that by the end, you find yourself HOPING that he finally gets what is coming to him. And the lead female role played by Michelle Pfeiffer, besides her beauty, she has absolutely zero appeal, zero depth, zero personality. She's just a typical 'trophy wife' of a drug lord, nothing else.
I recommend it for Al Pacino incredible performance, and of course for that famous line at the end, but I won't be adding this to my home collection.
Now it's a bit unfair to be rating a film made almost 25 years ago, as I probably would have rated it an 8 or 9 had I seen it back in the 80s (well, early 90s anyways - i would've been too young in the 80s). But since then such great gangster films like Goodfellas and Casino, as well as drug films such as Blow have been made, and compared to all those, this film is very so-so.
The plot follows the rise (and fall) of a Cuban refugee who becomes the biggest drug lord in Florida, but there was nothing making me care for the antagonist. I cared what happened to Carlito in Carlito's way. I cared what happened Johnny Depp's charachter in Blow. But here, I just couldn't care less about Tony Montana. It's not Pacino's fault (I thought this way his best role I've ever seen him in - absolutely mind-blowing acting) but more of the character's fault. He's just so despicable, that by the end, you find yourself HOPING that he finally gets what is coming to him. And the lead female role played by Michelle Pfeiffer, besides her beauty, she has absolutely zero appeal, zero depth, zero personality. She's just a typical 'trophy wife' of a drug lord, nothing else.
I recommend it for Al Pacino incredible performance, and of course for that famous line at the end, but I won't be adding this to my home collection.

sends shivers down my back....

I'm not into the club scene anymore, but when I used to hit the afterhours raves in Canada, we'd all pile into a friends' car and this was the 'trance' disc of choice before and after the club night. This live set is the ultimate live trance set ever produced, taking you thru rolls and rolls. cripes, even hearing it these days, i still get shivers and goosebumps as my brain remembers the good ol' XTC days... truly a unique mind blowing experience. ;)
'music for your mind, your body and your soul...'
'music for your mind, your body and your soul...'

perfect mellow rock album

The trumpets and horns found in most of the tracks are awesome, so well blended with the band's alternative rock style.
fave tracks are 'I will survive', quite possibly the best remix of that legendary Disco tune, as well as the catchy 'Daria', 'She'll come back to me' and 'frank sinatra'. Their remix of 'perhaps perhaps perhaps' is also pure smoothness.
fave tracks are 'I will survive', quite possibly the best remix of that legendary Disco tune, as well as the catchy 'Daria', 'She'll come back to me' and 'frank sinatra'. Their remix of 'perhaps perhaps perhaps' is also pure smoothness.

best to avoid

I got this album after I fell in love with 'One Fierce Beer Coaster' and I wondered if they were good in their rookie album, but despite numerous attempts, I still couldn't find a single track I liked. It's just such a different music style than the Gang from 'beer coaster' and 'hooray for boobies'.
Only ones that came close with the lyrics (but musically they sucked) were 'you're pretty when i'm drunk' and 'she ain't got no legs'. thats it. 'Mama Say', the big hit from this album, has a catchy tune, but is way too punk for my likes. and everything else is just filler crap.
Only ones that came close with the lyrics (but musically they sucked) were 'you're pretty when i'm drunk' and 'she ain't got no legs'. thats it. 'Mama Say', the big hit from this album, has a catchy tune, but is way too punk for my likes. and everything else is just filler crap.

The good outshines the bad

As much as I absolutely despise 'Bad Touch' megahit with its retarded 'you and me aint nothing but mammals so lets do it like they do on discovery channel' and the ultra-annoying music video that accompanied it, I still have to give this album a 9/10 because there's so many tracks that live up to Bloodhound Gang's level of crude, sexist, raunchy lyrics.
Some of my faves are 'inevitable return of great white dope', 'take long way home', 'chasey lain', and especially 'hell yeah' with its hilarious 'if i were god' lyrics.
Some of my faves are 'inevitable return of great white dope', 'take long way home', 'chasey lain', and especially 'hell yeah' with its hilarious 'if i were god' lyrics.

the gang at their prime

This album is when Bloodhound Gang hit their prime. They started to hit a bit of mainstream with the hit 'Fire Water Burn' with its catchy 'the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire - burn motherf**ker burn', but they were still fairly obscure. I've seen them live in Toronto at a small venue (Opera House, for all you locals) and they put on the most incredible live show. In my opinion, One Fierce Beer Coaster is the album I'll always remember them by. Favorites are 'Asleep at the wheel', 'Lift your head up high and blow your brains out' and 'your only friends are make believe'.

Silent Perfection

If you've never been exposed to a Chaplin film, or a silent black & white film in general, this would be the one to watch first. It will make you fall in love with that golden era of film making. Either this, or Chaplin's 'The Kid'.
All actors in this film I believe are better than most of the big shots today, because without clever scripts and speeches, these actors had to rely exclusively on their facial and body expressions to convey their character's emotions. The boxing scenes are some of the best slapstick comedy ever filmed, and to top it off the love story, especially the final scene, will melt your heart and should even bring a tear of pure happiness out of you.
This movie is perfect.
All actors in this film I believe are better than most of the big shots today, because without clever scripts and speeches, these actors had to rely exclusively on their facial and body expressions to convey their character's emotions. The boxing scenes are some of the best slapstick comedy ever filmed, and to top it off the love story, especially the final scene, will melt your heart and should even bring a tear of pure happiness out of you.
This movie is perfect.

So Bad It's Good

It's a rare feat for an utter crap film that I'd normally rate a 1/10, to climb up to 5/10 by the time I factor in how FUNNY it is, albeit unintentionally.
This clearly deserves a 'so bad it's funny' tag. This is pure campiness at its peak. A bunch of college kids go on an archaeological dig, and evil indian spirits start killing them and making them crazy. Story sucks, everything about it sucks, but the terrible acting, the terrible effects, the extreme continuity errors, they all add up to make this a great comedy. I guess all those wrongs end up making a right. LOL
When one of the 'goofs' on IMDB says this:
* Revealing mistakes: Before one man's decapitation, his head comes off before it's supposed to.
... you know you're in for a treat.
Last I've seen this mess was probably 15 years ago, and I don't think anyone can find it in their video stores so you can only buy this mess, but if you love campy films, by all means, do check it out. some of the things I still remember to this day is how the 'indian undead spirits' wore jeans and sneakers; actors that got their heads cut off simply did so by doing the old 'stick your head into your shirt and raise your arms and pretend your head is missing' trick; night/day inconsistencies, even between conversations between two people (one is talking while its dark, and his friend replies and he's in day time); the students park their car and walk nearly a full day until they get to their campsite in the bush, and when one guy says 'I forget it in the car', he goes and comes back with an item 2 minutes later; even better, a few scenes later, the car is seen parked next their tent... oh, it goes on and on. best example on how NOT to make a movie. best enjoyed when drunk.
This clearly deserves a 'so bad it's funny' tag. This is pure campiness at its peak. A bunch of college kids go on an archaeological dig, and evil indian spirits start killing them and making them crazy. Story sucks, everything about it sucks, but the terrible acting, the terrible effects, the extreme continuity errors, they all add up to make this a great comedy. I guess all those wrongs end up making a right. LOL
When one of the 'goofs' on IMDB says this:
* Revealing mistakes: Before one man's decapitation, his head comes off before it's supposed to.
... you know you're in for a treat.
Last I've seen this mess was probably 15 years ago, and I don't think anyone can find it in their video stores so you can only buy this mess, but if you love campy films, by all means, do check it out. some of the things I still remember to this day is how the 'indian undead spirits' wore jeans and sneakers; actors that got their heads cut off simply did so by doing the old 'stick your head into your shirt and raise your arms and pretend your head is missing' trick; night/day inconsistencies, even between conversations between two people (one is talking while its dark, and his friend replies and he's in day time); the students park their car and walk nearly a full day until they get to their campsite in the bush, and when one guy says 'I forget it in the car', he goes and comes back with an item 2 minutes later; even better, a few scenes later, the car is seen parked next their tent... oh, it goes on and on. best example on how NOT to make a movie. best enjoyed when drunk.

Not for everyone

To start off, this is more of a 'guy' movie, and more specifically -- only for fans of the TV series, or perhaps fans of gross-out humor.
The jokes in it were mostly gross and/or sex related, or just plain absurd stupid jokes that worked only because of the near-perfect delivery of the actors, all of which I admire. These guys are definitely one of the best comic teams out there, with all of them perfectly playing off each other's characters in near ad-lib smoothness.
With lines like "This is the stupidest group of people I've ever worked with who are not legally retarded.", or "You need to go to the store and get me some cranberry juice cuz it's gonna be one of those days!", be warned of what sort of film to expect. :)
stupid, plotless, pointless, but the jokes just kept-a-coming.
The jokes in it were mostly gross and/or sex related, or just plain absurd stupid jokes that worked only because of the near-perfect delivery of the actors, all of which I admire. These guys are definitely one of the best comic teams out there, with all of them perfectly playing off each other's characters in near ad-lib smoothness.
With lines like "This is the stupidest group of people I've ever worked with who are not legally retarded.", or "You need to go to the store and get me some cranberry juice cuz it's gonna be one of those days!", be warned of what sort of film to expect. :)
stupid, plotless, pointless, but the jokes just kept-a-coming.